REGENCY PURSE MUSEUM & antique coin purses

REGENCY PURSE MUSEUM & antique coin purses


favorite Georgian and early Victorian purses

micro bead knitted with sterling frame Georgian purse
micro bead knitted with sterling frame Georgian purse
Regency coin purse with silk & metal threads
Regency coin purse with silk & metal threads
A true Victorian purse, given reputedly by Queen Victoria to William Sanders, housekeeper of the state apartments.1840’s English a rare fish scale on velvet
A true Victorian purse, given reputedly by Queen Victoria to William Sanders, housekeeper of the state apartments.1840’s English a rare fish scale on velvet
Regency small netted with french steel gold beads
Regency small netted with french steel gold beads
An elegant miser, silk & wire with matching rings
An elegant miser, silk & wire with matching rings
spider web purse ca.1810 on Griffin gilt mother of pearl frame
spider web purse ca.1810 on Griffin gilt mother of pearl frame
wire mesh hand made, draw string style
wire mesh hand made, draw string style
Bar design early miser with ring closure
Bar design early miser with ring closure
beaded Regency Era sovereign purse with guilt frame probably French
beaded Regency Era sovereign purse with guilt frame probably French
Embroidered 1840’s small reticule (draw string)
Embroidered 1840’s small reticule (draw string)
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